Title Sequence Reveal,
Sequence Design
This is a title sequence design for the film, Spotlight. The main plot of spotlight surrounds the case of uncovering the truth behind the Catholic Church. Once the reporter team find out that pedophilia within the priesthood is far more prevalent than they have been led to believe, they also discover that great efforts are made to cover this up. Far from being ignorant of the incidences of sexual abuse, church elders and dignitaries are well aware of it, and go to enormous efforts to hide it from the public.
The concept of this sequence design try to capture the long journey of how reporters find out the truth. Tracing back to their process of finding the truth is the main idea that presents the informative features of the journalism, which highlights on the value of the journalism from their persistence process of solving the remaining questions to approach the goal.
Researching, Conceptualization, Storyboard,
3D Modeling, Lighting
Cinema 4D, Octane, Photoshop, After Effects
3D, Ideation, 3D Composition : Mea Kim
Type Composition : Joonhee Park
︎Center justification creates the balance and organized characteristics into the credits matching with the choice of mixed typefaces.
Title Sequence Reveal,
Sequence Design
This is a title sequence design for the film, Spotlight. The main plot of spotlight surrounds the case of uncovering the truth behind the Catholic Church. Once the reporter team find out that pedophilia within the priesthood is far more prevalent than they have been led to believe,
they also discover that great efforts are made to cover this up. Far from being ignorant of the incidences of sexual abuse, church elders and dignitaries are well aware of it, and go to enormous efforts to hide it from
the public.
The concept of this sequence design try to capture the long journey of
how reporters find out the truth. Tracing back to their process of finding
the truth is the main idea that presents the informative features of the journalism, which highlights on the value of the journalism from their persistence process of solving the remaining questions to approach the goal.
Researching, Conceptualization, Storyboard,
3D Modeling, Lighting
Cinema 4D, Octane, Photoshop, After Effects
3D, Ideation, 3D Composition : Mea Kim
Type Composition : oonhee Park